Sunday Morning Worship

Sunday morning services have been prayerfully and intentionally designed as uplifting worship experiences to nourish the soul. Understanding that our lives influence how we are most comfortable worshiping, we offer two services:

  • Our 8:30am gathering is a Liturgical Service. We sing hymns accompanied by organ or piano, read scripture, offer a sermon, take communion, recite liturgy, and occasionally hear special music from our bell choir. Nursery care is available.
  • Our 10:30am gathering is a Contemporary Service. We sing together with a full praise band, read scripture, offer a sermon, take communion, and occasionally hear special music from our adult choir or kids choir. Nursery care and children's church is available.

We look forward to welcoming you into our church family and sharing the joy of worship together.

Tuesday Nights Together

There's something for everyone at TNT with exciting opportunities for kids, teens, and adults to come together to learn about and praise Jesus.

  • 5:00pm - TNT Kids Choir
    led by Amy Harnetiaux (in the Sanctuary)
  • 5:45pm - Meal for All
    (in the Social Hall)
  • 6:15pm - Kids Bible Study
    led by Felicity Aikens (in the Preschool, ends at 7pm)
  • 6:15pm - Adult Bible Study
    led by Pastor Scott Hawkins
    (in the Fireside Room, ends at 7pm)
  • 6:15pm - Teen Bible Study
    led by Amy Harnetiaux (in the Social Hall, ends at 7:45pm)
Children's Ministry & Nursery Care

Children are always welcome at Ascension!

At both services on Sunday mornings, nursery care is available for children 6 months to 4 years old. Children can be checked into the nursery before services begin.

At our 10:30am service, we offer classes for elementary aged children. Kids should join parents in the sanctuary and will be dismissed from the service to go to class with one of our teachers.

Nursery care is not currently available on Tuesday nights, but babies are welcome in the Adult Bible Study.  Elementary aged children are invited to Kids Choir and Kids Bible Study.

Want More Details?

When you arrive for a weekend worship service for the first time, you’ll find the doors open, lights on, and the welcome mat laid out. We’re a group of people, young and old, dyed-in-the-wool Lutherans and brand new Christians, who are generally described as warm, friendly and inviting. Most people are casually dressed, though a few still like to get more dressed up. Worship services are held in the Sanctuary. Once inside, you’ll find a relatively small but beautiful space with stained glass windows, wooden pews and worship furniture designed to draw our attention and focus on God.

If you arrive early, you’re likely to see piano, organ, or praise band members rehearsing. Pick up a bulletin to peruse, make yourself at home, and sit wherever you like. Our worship experiences are guest-friendly, so feel free to participate as much or little as you like. We celebrate Communion, and whether a member or not, you are invited to participate. We simply ask that you share with us the belief that through this sacrament, Christ forgives our sins and assures us of our salvation.

ADA Information: ADA accessible parking spots are available in the lower parking lot. From there you are able to enter our facility without using stairs. Both our men's and women's restrooms have stalls that are able to accomodate a wheelchair. Service animals are always welcome. Need additional information? Please reach out to the church office so we can address your questions directly. 

Check Out Our Latest Sermon

Sundays 8:30am Liturgical Service
A classic service with full liturgy and hymns

Sundays 10:30am Contemporary Service
A contemporary service with music from the Praise Band.

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