My early Christian faith and baptism were through the Presbyterian denomination. We also have been members of Methodist congregations and a short period in a non-denomination church. We have lived on the Peninsula since 1987, raising our now adult children. I graduated from Arizona State in 1979, and then spent a 36-year career at TRW/ Northrop Grumman, retiring in 2016. When we were looking for a new church home, we remembered that our son went through the Pioneer Kids program at ALC. The church also sponsored our boys Cub Scout troop under Pastor Koch. God’s plan was to lead to us here to this faithful, biblically sound congregation. God has blessed me to use retirement to serve him more faithfully. I have been blessed to lead Disciple Bible Study, and my prayer is that I can make a difference serving on the Church Council. My retirement passions are golfing two or three times a week, snow skiing, and learning the five-string banjo.
Monday to Thursday
9AM - 3PM